Unity was founded on healing prayer by Myrtle and Charles Fillmore.The Unity approach to prayer is based on positive affirmations that are universal, appealing to all faiths.
To leave us a request for prayer for yourself or a loved one, simply send us an email at:
or drop it in the prayer box at the church. All requests are kept in strictest confidence and we will pray for you for 30 days.Unity offers a Prayer and Meditation group on Thursday evenings at 7 P.M. at the Unity Church of the Clearwater Valley. 1622 15th Ave. Lewiston, ID.We also offer Prayer Chain. A group of individuals who pray on request. The request are then sent to Silent Unity.
Silent Unity is available 24/7 ready to offer you free confidential prayer support whenever you need it.Silent Unity Celebrates 120 Years of Affirmative Prayer
Call: 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729)
You can also contact Silent Unity
Daily Affirmations
HEALING - God renews every cell of my body.
PROSPERITY - I have all the time, energy and money needed to do what is mine to do.
RELATIONSHIPS - I release; I forgive; I am free and at peace.
GUIDANCE - The wisdom of God is revealed through me.
STRENGTH & CONFIDENCE:I am a powerful, confident child of God.
Our prayers, love and healing are sent out to all in the world.
Prayer for the World
The illuminating light of God guides our world leaders to make wise decision and take right action. God’s radiant love flows through the people of the world as harmony and respect for all life. Through the Presence of God we are all conscious of our oneness with Spirit and each other. Whatever the concern, whatever the situation, the right and perfect resolution is now manifested through Spirit and we have a greater awareness of God on Earth.
Unity of Clearwater Valley