When one asks for divine wisdom and understanding about giving, it becomes a joy both to the giver and the recipient. ~Charles Fillmore

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                                      Giving                                                        It works like compound interest,  for whatever you put in, 
more comes back to you. Let's make a deposit.                   ~tut 
Donations and gifts may be sent to:
Unity Church of the Clearwater Valley 1622  15th Avenue, Lewiston ID. 83501
God, Your love fills our hearts and attracts to us all good things. Through Your unlimited substance, we live a life of plenty.
Unity of Clearwater Valley
Our deepest Gratitude to those who so generously donate.                       Many blessings to you!
                             Our Historic Building has Need of Repair
                              Check out our new gofundme page!  

  https://www.gofundme.com/f/our-historic-building-has-a-needed-repair? qid=9538c033b775765e128739995ae94ef1

Heather Meeks is organizing this fundraiser to benefit Unity Church of Clearwater Valley.
Want to join me in saving our church's home? I'm raising money to benefit Unity Church of Clearwater Valley, and any donation will help make an impact. 
We are a small congregation of mostly seniors that are facing an urgent unexpected sewer line repair. Your contribution is greatly appreciated & means so much our congregation. Thank you in advance & Blessings to you...